By May Hunter, For Iron County Today
It’s cold, it’s dark and dreary. The winter festivities have calmed down and now it’s time to wait out the worst of the winter season. It’s easy to be down about the weather, after all, it can look positively miserable outside, but this attitude only makes the beginning of this new year drag on. This is no way to start the year ahead, instead, kick those winter blues and trade them in for a winning winter attitude.
Starting the year off with a bad attitude is a waste of a perfectly good time. Determining what is causing your strife can help end it for good. Bad Weather? Lack of friends around? Less sunshine? Instead of focusing on what you don’t like, find ways to make it better. For example, spend some cozy time indoors so you don’t need to go out in the weather, and enjoy the company of friends or family. There’s nothing like good company to make you feel happier, more engaged and involved during winter. Take up a new hobby as a group. Getting together with those you love can greatly increase positivity and happiness while preventing you from being alone.
Get more exercise. If you’re used to exercising outdoors, keep an eye on the weather. On a nicer day go for a walk or run. If it’s going to be too icy, try to exercise indoors somewhere there is plenty of light or at least a good view. Exercise can increase the amount of positive endorphins to improve happiness and enhance your health, which is good for everyone! Until the weather warms up, try to embrace everything the season has to offer. From comfy and warm blankets while snuggling with a loved one to ice skating, hot chocolate and the beauty of falling snow, embracing the season can allow optimism to rise. We can also help improve positivity this winter by shoveling snow, laying down ice melt for an engaging and social lifestyle for safety, and even helping out a neighbor.
Instead of just hiding out under the covers at home, waiting for the snow to melt and the warm weather to return, strap on your snow boots, put on your coat and some gloves, and take advantage of the change of season and get outside.
Try ice fishing-there are lakes near us-so grab some gear and give it a try! You can make it a social event with warm drinks and comfy camping chairs. Plus, you just might score a fresh catch for dinner!
“Winter forms our character and brings out our best.” “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.” “Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friend or family and for a talk beside the fire, it is a time for home.”Escape to a winter wonderland to make a snow angel or build a good ole fashioned Frosty. Have fun plopping yourself right into the snow, waving your arms and legs to create the perfect angel or stacking big balls of snow on top of each other for a jolly snowman (don’t forget the carrot nose, hat and stick arms!)
Look for ways to continue to be active in the winter and get outside and enjoy it. Try something new, even if it’s taking a walk in the snow.
With all the fun you’ll have and the memories you’ll make, you’ll be glad you tried crazy fun stuff in the snow.
“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand in the cold.”-Aristotle